While I wait…

Well… I don’t really think baby is coming any time soon.  I think it’s okay for me to hope for around my due date… but most likely not earlier!

So, that obviously gives me a whole lot of time to get more things done.  Things being; washing and re-washing all sheets, towels, pillow cases, duvet covers, giving our cloth diapers their first wash, dusting, vacuuming, sanitizing, packing, organizing… and gazing into baby’s room while I wait.

One thing (of many) that I am pretty excited about for when baby arrives, is baby wearing.  My first friend with a baby (that I was remotely close with) had a pretty neato ring sling, and I knew then that I would do the same with my future little one (the little one she carried in the sling is now 3… oh how time flies!).  I’ve seen many momma’s on flights with baby carriers, but they’re always the front facing snugli’s and bjorns, and for some reason they just didn’t sit right with me — because in all honesty the babe never looked too comfortable (so I knew I would never carry my baby in one).

So once my miracle arrived in my belly, I got to researching for our own carrier, and this ended up with us having three already, before baby’s arrival!  I found a moby wrap on sale from amazon, so that was my first purchase.  I watched so many how-to videos, that when it arrived in the mail, I was able to do a practise wrap right away without having to look at the instructions.  Oh I was pretty proud of myself!  My husband didn’t share the same enthusiasm… but I know he will when it’s the only thing that will stop baby’s tears!

I had also registered for an Ergo, and secretly wished to receive it almost more than anything else on my registry! Lo & behold, my lovely sister in laws made that purchase for me!  It’s a tad tricky to practise in while housing a baby inside, but I made my husbands best friend try it because he had never seen one before and didn’t understand how it worked.  He’s going to be an awesome uncle to baby, and we’ve discussed me letting him carry it through malls so he can pick up chicks :)

The last (but definitely not least!) carrier I decided on, I bought with some birthday money (you know you’re going through a life transition when you want to spend all your money on baby related items!).  After reviewing online, and filtering through experienced momma’s advice on baby wearing FB pages, I decided to go with a Sakura Bloom Ring Sling.  They are made of linen (or silk if you want to go up another $100!), and are oh so soft & sturdy.  I wanted something for when baby was still small and under 20 lbs, and could also be light and breathable for the hot summer.  The moby wrap might actually get put on the back burner if the sling becomes the star!  The ergo will be amazing for next fall when it starts to cool down.

So, another thing I do while I wait, is practise with the ring sling :)  We were gifted the cutest little bunny (it’s a cloud b sound machine too!), so it is currently my practise baby!  It’s most definitely not the right size or weight, which I’m sure will make things a little tricky in the beginning, but I’m happy to teach myself all I can beforehand, so I can be somewhat familiar when baby makes it’s debut. Not surprisingly, there are a lot of rules and regs to baby wearing!

Now all I have to do is hope and pray that baby loves being carried as much as I intend to wear him/her!  Because it’s going to be a lot.  Like, annoyingly a lot.  Literally as much as I possibly can :)

So here’s bunny and I, with our SB ring sling, and our 38 week +2 baby bump. <3


While I wait…

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